Project 6th - Districts & maps-

"Les Planes"

10 comentaris:

alex calvet said...,0.00,19.8

alex calvet said...,-12.90,70.0

david marcos said...

Nicolás González Abril said...

The birth of Les Planes district
At the beginning of the XXth century the district Les Planes was known as Urbanització Badalona.
Later it was known with the name of Les Planes because it was the only flat area between Sant Just and Esplugues.
In the middle of the 60’s, the district Les Planes had a community with 3000 neighbours and about sixteen streets.
The increasing of the population at the district was irregular,because people that had a minimum of knowledge of building made their own houses. People bought the materials, they bought them in a shop called El Padró. These people had came from different parts of Spain in search of work. They were immigrants.

gerard raurell caldes said...

The Residential District St. John, marks the north with the highway B23, with the south street of St. Martin in the wilderness, on the west street Fructuosus Gelabert Avenue and on the east of Lower Llobregat.Residential Quarter San Juan (2809).

gerard raurell caldes said...
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The distrit Center has 16.120 habitants, delimits geographically in the northern part for the street Creu d'en Muntaner, in the southern part for Cornellà's municipal area (street Maria Rosa and bus depots of the Tram), in the eastern part for the railroad of Barcelona - Vilafranca, and in the western part for the street Maria Tarrida.

gerard raurell caldes said...

The town of Sant Joan Despi is formed by four districts: Central District (16 120 inhabitants), District of The Plains (10 561 inhab.) Quarter Plan Wind - Torreblanca (3731) and residential district Residential JoanEl St. San Juan, delimits north with the highway B23, with the south street of St. Martin in the wilderness, on the west street Fructuosus Gelabert avenue and on the east of Lower Llobregat. (2809).

gerard raurell caldes said...

tatIn our first meetings with the Council we take stock of the main shortcomings of the neighborhood, low lighting, lack of telephones, little containers, lack of policing and means of transport, walking and cleaning up the neighborhood.
Through these conversations were achieved some improvements. Including the transformation of ras that exist in the current square of the Statute, by the time focus of dirt in a field of play ground for children. Later this area was developed definitely becoming one of the key points of our barri.Al over the years have been presenting different problems as p. former.:
Intent of the City Council to extend the C / Jacinto Verdaguer to the Old Town. This action was associated with increased traffic through our neighborhood.
Protests by residents of the C / Marques de Monistrol regarding excessive traffic on this street for pedestrians.
Complaints from neighbors of the C / Sant Martí de l'Erm by the excessive noise produced by traffic on this street
To solve these signatures were collected between neighbors. These were presented in successive meetings with the City Council, successfully solving these problems. On several occasions we met with officials from the local police, to address issues that affect us as speeding, parking in pedestrian zones, several crosses danger in the area. As a result they install different lights in the neighborhood. Has also improved to provide surveillance in the neighborhood of two municipal Police covering his service on foot.
To improve the circulation department of the district, successive roundabouts have been built, although this still occur embusos. We continue demanding a permanent solution to this problem.
One of our biggest concerns was the lack of public transport. Have repeatedly called for an increase in bus, having reached which currently exist.
Due to the increase in child population in the district, we believe the existence of an important Recreation. This and the need for a local association for us to suggest the conditioning of the local town hall located in the C / Marques de Monistrol share for both entities, including the upcoming construction of the civic center. Many of the issues mentioned above are not yet resolved. Our intention is to insist on them and on others that will surely arise.

daniel fort said...

The Eixample (Catalan pronunciation: [əˈʃampɫə], Catalan for 'extension') is a district of Barcelona between the old city (Ciutat Vella) and what were once surrounding small towns (Sants, Gràcia, Sant Andreu etc.), constructed in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Its population was 262,485 at the last census.